Monthly Archives: February 2017

RNA Origin of Life Game!

Help save the world with this RNA building game!

Where does life come from? This is one of the most important questions humanity has ever posed. And the scientific answer is: we don’t entirely know.You might think that cracking DNA’s genetic code should have explained life’s origins. And it definitely helped––thanks to our understanding of DNA, we can map out the history of evolution all the way back to single celled life.But that’s where we’re stuck. The problem is, DNA is a great way to store information, but it doesn’t do much else––cells rely on other molecules like proteins to replicate, grow, and survive.Proteins, on the other hand, work great as molecular machines to keep cells alive and healthy, but they can’t store information or copy themselves––they need DNA for that.So we have a chicken and egg problem. DNA needs proteins to function, and proteins need DNA to exist. So which came first? Which molecule made life possible?Well, there’s a third type of molecule that may hold the answer: RNA. Most scientists think that RNA came first, because RNA can do two jobs: store information and perform various functions that keep cells alive.This idea, that RNA came first, is called the RNA world hypothesis.RNA world suggests that billions of years ago, in some primordial soup of molecules, a self-replicating RNA formed. This may have happened in volcanic vents deep on the ocean floor, or perhaps clay clumps brought the necessary chemical building blocks together.Some scientists have even speculated that early RNAs formed on Mars and hitched a ride on an asteroid to our planet.One way or another, self-replicating RNAs emerged, multiplied, and evolved. Over millions of years they developed into a legion of molecular machines.These microscopic proto-life forms blossomed and competed. The best collections of code lived on, and the weaker ones died out. Survival of the fittest was the name of the game.This competition for survival eventually led RNAs to evolve the ability to build strong, stable proteins, which excelled at carrying out complex biological processes.And somewhere along the line, some critical RNAs mutated into the familiar double helix of DNA. DNA became a stable archive of genetic information that stored blueprints for the most successful RNA and protein molecules.Life became more complex over trillions of tiny steps and happy accidents. And all the while, the RNA lineup grew, alongside lengthening genomes of DNA and complex proteins. And it’s all still happening––inside your body.RNAs have adapted to become the Swiss army knives of our cells. Today they can slice, dice, catalyze, build, destroy, code, replicate, and transform. A remarkable diversity from the simplest of beginnings: a single, self-replicating RNA molecule.


Alex Rosenthal, Writer/Director/Producer

Qa’ed Mai, 2-D Animator

George S. Zaidan, Narrator

Scorekeepers Music Library, Music, SFX:103605 waves at the dock, floating tree110393 water splash,

195616 footsteps dirt, xDimebagx144265 impact misc tools 0004, D W164283 book-drop, –Bender–209583 oven mitt impact, Zott820181774 rustling paper, keweldog202021 bulldozer small cu, Geldart136291 flipping through pages 2, SamerMM82377 paper flip 1, gynation

Source: | NOVA Labs | PBS

Adobe Audition & Cool Edit Pro Mastering

The Cool Edit Vocal “Mastering” Guide

This is the shit I use that makes my quality sound as good as possible. I didn’t make it, it’s just what I use.

(Added this one myself, cuz it’s very essential) NOISE REDUCTION: To get there go to EFFECTS> NOISE REDUCTION> NOISE REDUCTION… Aight listen, this is VERY important.

Step One: Highlight a blank part of ya verse (ie: the first few seconds when you weren’t sayin nothin), go up to Noise Reduction and press GET PROFILE FROM SELECTION, then set the NOISE REDUCTION LEVEL to 100…Then press CLOSE (NOT CANCEL).

Step Two: After that, highlight ya whole verse and go to Noise Reduction again, and click OK (DON’T CHANGE ANYTHING THOUGH).

Done wit that. ^ You gotta do tha whole noise reduction thing, step by step on every set of vocals you record, cuz you can’t preset it.

ECHO: To get there follow these Arrows…. EFFECTS> DELAY EFFECTS> ECHO… Ok, now in echo there should be 3 Catagories of ECHO configuration… 1)Decay, 2)Delay , 3)Initial Echo Volume

Step One: On Decay to the right of the TWO SLIDING bars should be two WHITE BOXES with some random numbers in em, could be 5, could be 32442, doesnt matter…. ur going to enter into BOTH boxes, 8, which will be for the %…

Step Two: On Delay its the same thing, but in the TWO WHITE BOXES put, 400 for the ms….

Step Three: On Initial Echo Volume to the right in the boxes put, 9, which will be for the %….

Step Four: Go to the top right where it says “ADD” and, title this as whatever name u want, so it can be set FOREVER as a preset….

And thats ALL there is for the echo…..

HARD LIMITING: To get there go, EFFECTS> AMPLITUDE> HARD LIMITING… In here you’ll only have two set 4 boxes… easy..

Step One: On the right of Limit Max Amplitude To Should be a white box, inside of it, put in… -6.5 for the dB…

Step Two: On the right of Boost Imput By Should be a white box, inside of it, put in… 1.8 for the dB…

Step Three: On the right of Look Ahead Time Should be a white box, inside of it, put in… 7 for the ms…

Step Four: On the right of Release Time Should be a white box, inside of it, put in… 100 for the ms…

YOU CAN NOT PRESET THIS ONE, However, no matter wether u turn ur comp off or not it will ALWAYS be there, unless u fuck with it then it will change to what u just put in….. but for now, it will stay as this as long as u dont touch it again….

Dynamics Processing: To get there, go… EFFECTS> AMPLITUDE> DYNAMICS PROCESSING

BTW – this ONE is the hardest to configure of all of em, but if you’re patient i will make it worth your while……

Step One: Notice at the top there is 5 tabs…. Graphic, Traditional, Attack/Release, and finally BAND LIMITING… here we go….

Step One: Click on the tab that reads TRADITIONAL

Step Two: Now you will see, some numbers along the side in order from top to bottom, this catagory is the “Sections” and the order of them goes…. 2,3,4,5,6…. CLICK THE WHITE CIRCLE ON THE RIGHT OF THE 2 …. Now you should see 2 FOLD DOWN TABS, in the top one set it on Compress, on the bottom one set it on Expand

Step Three: Next to those tabs you clicked, to the right, you should see the catagorie ” Ratios” In the first and ONLY TWO WHITE BOXES in the “Ratios” Catagory that should be white will go these numbers…. Just to the right of “compress” in the white box, put… 1.5…. below it on the right of “expand” put…. 1.1… Now there SHOULD only be ONE WHITE BOX LEFT, and it should be to the right next to the presets with a “dB” on the right of it, and inside this white box you’ll put… -40.7

Wooohooo, we’re now done with the “traditional” box…..

Step Four: Click on the tab that reads, “Attack/Release“… There once again is different catagorys, however, only 2 of them…. ” Gain Processor“, and “Level Detector“… Under “Gain Processor“, there should be 3 sub catagories (Output Gain, Attack Time, and Release Time)… Next to Output Gain in the box put, 6… Next to Attack Time in the box put, 1… and finally in Release Time put, 500….

Step Five: Now under the catagory, “Level Detector ” there is 3 sub catagories again (Input Gain, Attack Time, and Release Time)… Next too Input Gain inside the box put. 0… Next too Atack Time, put, .5… Next too Release Time put, 300….

Step Six: Just below “Release Time” in the “Level Detector” Section, you should see 2 CIRCLES YOU CAN CHECK… make sure RMS is checked, NOT PEAK….

Step Seven: Below that you’ll see “Lookahead Time” and you’re going to put a 3 there….. MAKE SURE YOU DONT CHECK, “NOISE GATING” AND “CREATE ENVELOPE ONLY” they’re bull shit little options….

Now on to the BAND LIMITING….

Step One: Click on the tab that reads, “Band Limiting“…

Step Two: You’ll see ONLY 2 WHITE BOXES, they’re just to the right of the 2 cutoffs…. 1) Low Cutoff, 2) High Cutoff…. For Low Cutoff put, 0…. For High Cutoff put, 24000……

DONE!… You’ve just completed the DYNAMICS PROCESSING Phase…. now add this as a preset motha fucka!… Time for the GRAPHIC EQUALIZER and we’re done ladies…

GRAPHIC EQUALIZER: To get there go, EFFECTS> FILTERS> GRAPHIC EQUALIZER… simple as hell girls, simple as hell…

Step One: We can kinda cheat here, First off make sure ur set on the tab at the top that reads, ” 10 BANDS (1 OCTAVE), Ok… now you should have a list of presets… SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN, and you’ll see one that reads, “Vocal Pressence (BOOST)” click that, but DONT hit OK

Step Two: You only have too change 1 thing in here, so this is a piece of cake…. You should see a BLUE DIAGRAM indicating what your levels will peak at during ‘actual response’… You’ll see a bunch of virtical SLIDING BARS, that have numbers above each of them…. find the one with the 2 above it… Now… JUST LEFT CLICK on the sliding piece in the middle of that bar, so your computer recognizes you want to adjust just that level….. Once you’ve done that…. Look just below the sliding bar ur on, and find the white box on the right of the catagory ” GAIN“… Inside this box put, 1.99… to the left of it you should see another catagory that reads, “BAND“, inside its box it should say 2000 Hz, if it doesnt, find it…… DO NOT TOUCH ANY OTHER SLIDING BARS, ONLY THE ONE I NAMED….

FINISHED!…. Now preset that bitch…. and you’ve got urself made….

The order I do these methods in goes as typed: Noise Reduction, Hard Limiting, Dynamic Processor, Echo, Graphic EQ, Hiss Reduction…

Ad Libbing Tips: When you ad lib, record ya ad libs twice. With one ad lib, put it 50% onto tha left speaker, and with tha other, put it 50% onto tha right speaker.